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Re: RFC: the new license for IBPP

Hi, Jacobo,

Jacobo Tarrio wrote:
El jueves, 30 de marzo de 2006 a las 16:33:59 +0300, Damyan Ivanov escribía:

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or
organization (???You???) obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files covered by this license (the ???Software???) to use
the Software as part of another work; to modify it for that purpose;

 It allows to modify the library if it is needed to make it work with other
piece of software ("for that purpose" == "to use the Software as part of
another work"), but that wording does not allow modifying it to improve its
performance, for example.

Isn't it permitted to modify "the Software" for whatever reason as long as it is distributed as a part of a another work? ("for that purpose" isn't very clear IMO).

Or, if the "other" software requires a super-fast IBPP, then we comply with the license, sicne the modification is made to make it work with the "other work". Still unclear. :/

I am curious what others think. Whether these uncertainties pose a DFSG-freeness problem.

Thanks for replying

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