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Re: GPL compatible license?

Em Ter, 2004-11-16 às 08:46 +0100, Martin Schulze escreveu:
> | Modification of the system is encouraged, providing that the portions of
> | the system that are from the original still carry the appropriate copyright
> | notices and that the changed sections are clearly delimited as such.  The
> | authors requests copies of any changes made to ensure that the various versions
> | stay reasonably in sync with each other.  Please send all revisions to
> | elm@DSI.COM.
> This fails the island test if there is no Internet around to send mail.

I would say this does not fail the island test, because it is not a
requirement, but a request. In my understanding, you can safely ignore
this request and still be compliant with the license.

> It is also impractical "that the changed sections are clearly delimited
> as such", since this is difficult if you do not only add separate code
> but also alter some existing functions.

Now this is true, but wouldn't a changelog entry be considered
'delimitation' enough? Maybe a diff? Then you would be able to
distribute this with patches added, serving as 'clear delimitation'.


kov@debian.org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian:  <http://www.debian.org>  *  <http://www.debian-br.org>

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