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Re: Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

>> And i have some doubt that if he failed to ask for them (or you where a little
>> silent on the proposing of them as we often do at shows and such), that
>> changes anything to the issue. You should have given them to him anyway, as
>> is your obligation under the GPL.
>Where, specifically, is the obligation to do this?  If I gave a binary
>CD to someone with the written promise to give them source code, am I
>resonsible for knowing whether they will be shipwrecked six months
>later and giving him source code in advance of the wreck?  I am not
>sure what specific obligation you mean.

Well, the only problem is that when we distribute those source less CDs, i am
not sure the written (as in with ink an paper) offer comes with it, nor that
we really keep the source around for three years. Also, i wonder what the
three year means for someone getting the offer second handed from some other
guy ? Does the three year stand from the original distribution, or would it
prolongue itself indefinitely.

Please continue CCing me, as using lynx to write mail is somehow painfull.


Sven Luther

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