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Re: Bug#221709: ITP: at76c503a-source -- at76c503a driver source

Scripsit Joachim Breitner <nomeata@debian.org>

> Now compare Atmel: They give me the binary with a note (called GPL),
> that I can get the source code from then,

No, that's not what the note says. The note says that you can
distribute the binary to your neighbour if you also give your
neighbour the source. Where you get the source is immaterial to
this offer.

The GPL is all about what *you* have to do if *you* distribute. It
does not in any way enable you to demand things from *others* who
distribute, unless you happen to hold a copyright on the thing they

> What if I chose their product because their firmware was GPL, and the
> competitor's product wasn't? Then the competitor could sue them for what
> is called "unlauterer Wettbewerb" in Germany (unfair competition
> according to "translate").

Perhaps, but would be because their marketing created wrong
expectations for you. The lawsuit will only fly because those
expectations *are*, in fact, wrong.

Henning Makholm                               "Hi! I'm an Ellen Jamesian. Do
                                        you know what an Ellen Jamesian is?"

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