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Re: Debian wants to include AOL TiK client with Debian GNU/Linux

On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 01:04:44PM -0500, tictoc@aol.net wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 12:53:18PM -0500, Brian Ristuccia wrote:
> > Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Please keep in touch regarding
> > any changes you might be making to the TiK license.
> Well, we have talked about going to GPL for a while now.  This will probably
> finally make us do it. :)  So expected a GPLed version of the source rather 
> soon.  The service agreement will stay basically the same.  Let me know if this 
> doesn't address your needs.

That would be just wonderful. If you'd use plain GPL, everything is fine. If
you want to make additions to the GPL license, we'd like to know about it so
we can check them against our requirements.

(Again, this is only relevant to the osurce code license, the service
agreement does not affect redistribution with Debian).


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