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Re: License determination

> Can some one send me a copy of this license?

   I posted this here once, but you must've missed it Paul.  Here is
Obsidian's license:

  - - - Snip - - - 


BaseSoftware is under GPL (GNU Public License). 

The source code is distributed together with the object code for your
convenience. You may update the code and contribute back to the master

Small addition to GPL

You may not remove the Designed by Obsidian link from the logon screen, bypass
the logon screen, remove or hide links to the "About" box or
remove the original author details from the code. 
   - - - Snip - - -

   My impulse (disclaimer: not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV:-) is to
agree with John and say it is non-free.

   It's interesting, I can probably guess at reasons why Obsidian licensed the
software as they did.  They're nice guys and wanted to make the source
available while still having the ability to influence/control it and produce a
couple of commercial modules for their base system.  But that first paragraph
("The source code is") seems at odds with the main thrust of the GPL under
which it was supposed to be licensed.

 Regards,  | <redwards@golgotha.net>   | Upgrade your old legacy
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