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Re: Searching for a mail client

On Apr 21, 8:30 am, "Alexandre Neubert" <alexandre.neub...@gmail.com>
> Hello,
> I am looking for a good and leight weight mailing client for my laptop; one
> constraint however; it has to work without X (because I dont have always
> access to a graphic interface) and must be as simple to configure as
> possible.

Definitely mutt. Though you will have to do a little homework to
configure it.

Start here, and then look for the many excellent hand-holding
tutorials online. The key concept is that Mutt does mail like nobody's
business but you need other small Unix tools (like, eg Exim or
Sendmail to SEND the mail; fetchmail or getmail to GET the mail; and
Maildrop or Procmail to put the mail in the right boxes.)  Read about
how this works FIRST. Then install. If you like keyboarding, then Mutt
is for you. You can lose your mouse and not even notice for hours at a


> access to my gmail account since this one uses ssl encryption (and I didn't
> manage to make it work).

There are tutorials for this. I did it two weeks ago. The getting is
easy. The sending is a bit trickier. Try searching on "Exim gmail ssl"
or variations thereof.


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