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Re: Finally got widescreen resolution working - correct tips inside.

Matt Sicker said...
> Alright guys, after about 6 weeks of struggling with a crappy 1024x768  
> resolution, I've finally been able to get the 1280x800 resolution working  
> properly as well as my touchpad.
> First things first, if you have an Intel integrated card controller such as  
> i915G and whatnot (usually comes with the integrated nVidia Geforce Go cards  
> apparently), you're going to need to get 855resolution.

Not necessarily. I read similar instructions on the Net, but, having 
installed Knoppix, I knew that the i915G could work without 
855resolution. In my case, for a 1400x1050 monitor, all I use is:

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier	"Monitor0"
	Option	"DPMS"	"true"
	HorizSync    28.0 - 96.0
	VertRefresh  50.0 - 75.0
	# 1400x1050 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 82.20 kHz; pclk: 155.85 MHz
	ModeLine "1400x1050"  155.85  1400 1496 1648 1896  1050 1051 1054 
1096  -HSync +Vsync

That's it. No extra software required.

The important bit is selecting the matching ModeLine, HorizSync and 
VertRefresh. The above runs my monitor at 75Hz, but I have other 
ModeLines that will run it at other freqs.

> Replace "gdm" with "kdm" if you use KDE, or whatever display manager you use.
>  From there, you should be able to choose your correct resolution from the  
> screen resolution config applet thinger or by using xrandr.

In KDE, you can right-click and select Configure Desktop.
That said, the Nvidia driver is so easy to install, I'd advise using it 
from the off. There are many advantages, but one added advantage is that 
it runs a lot cooler than the integrated chip.


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