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Re: zd8156ea

Ian Greenhoe wrote:

> On Fri, 2005-10-21 at 13:38 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> <snip>
>> Seems to work on my Inspiron, too, though I haven't figured out a safe
>> way to wake it (it comes back from resume and then shuts down).
> Unable to resume == does not work.  This is how it "works" on my current
> laptop as well.  Sorry, but this really does not qualify as working.

No.  It works just fine.  I didn't say it was unable to resume.
Unfortunately, once resumed, it immediately starts the shut down sequence
because Dell uses the power button to resume.  I should have been more
precise. I already knew what happened, I just see no reason to use suspend
over hibernate - so I haven't modified the acpi config to prevent the power
button doing a shutdown on resume.  iirc, the way to prevent this is to
turn off acpid during shutdown, then turn it on during resume, then it
doesn't queue the power button press, but as I say I haven't experimented.

> That's like saying that a human can fly without wings:  Yeah, you can
> travel thru the air, but landing is a real problem.

It really wasn't _anything_ like that.  It would be a pretty week analogy
even if I _had_ said it was unable to resume.

> FWIW, I've heard a lot of reports like this.  Which is the reason why I
> made my blanket statement.

Then you started making blanket statements about other people's

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