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Re: ifplugd (or guessnet) stalls booting at "Configuring network interfaces ..."

H.S. wrote: 

>After the upgrade(I recall hotplug was uninstalled
>and udev upgraded), the laptop boot process now stalls at the
>"Configuring network interfaces ..." step. Any idea what could be the

I had a similar problem...

>~# cat /etc/network/interfaces.guessnet
># This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
># and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
># The loopback network interface
>auto lo
>iface lo inet loopback

># The primary network interface

>auto eth0

Most likely, the "auto eth0" entry is making the system try to bring up the 
interface too early...in one case I removed that line, and boot returned to 
normal; it will still come up automatically later if you have ifplugd and/or 
some kind of network detection program like whereami, laptop-net, guessnet, 

(Don't remove the "auto lo", however, as that interferes with desktop 
processes and probably other important things, as I discovered after a lot of 

Another reason for this problem can be that the names of the physical 
interfaces can get swapped around, especially after a substantial upgrade - I 
recommend the program ifrename, which allows you to decide what each 
interface will consistently be called.

Good luck,


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