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Re: How to use password-protected wireless networks?

On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 01:57 +1000, John O'Hagan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Running testing on a wireless equipped laptop, I can usually get on to any 
> available networks using some combination of ifupdown, ifplugd, whereami, 
> resolvconf, kwifimanager etc. 
> One situation which has stumped me, however, is when the network requires a 
> password (which I have, of course, been given!): how do I enter the password?
> Some networks simply redirect your browser to a login page; no problem there. 
> And I'm not talking about encryption. It's the ones for which my Mac-using 
> colleagues simply enter the password into a little dialog that pops up 
> automatically when the network needs one. 
> How does the Debian user do it?

In my whereami.conf, for that particular network, I have a:

wget -O - -q 'https://wireless.logon.page/login.xyz?username=blah&password=bleah' >/dev/null

Obviously this is supremely dodgy, but for me there is only one WLAN
that I use that I have to log into - all of the others are protected by
WEP, WPA, or nothing, so it works OK.

If the WLAN in your case uses basic auth (as it sounds like it might)
then the wget command would be something more like:

wget -O - -q --http-user=user --http-password=password 'https://wireless.logon.page/login.xyz' >/dev/null


Andrew @ Catalyst .Net .NZ  Ltd,  PO Box 11-053, Manners St,  Wellington
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