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Re: laptop sendmail

Colin Cotter wrote:

> This isn't exclusively laptop related but has arisen precisely because my
> laptop is portable. It is also probably fairly trivial so please point me
> to a web page that explains this stuff -- I have Googled fairly
> extensively though.
> My work doesn't give access to their smtp server from outside their
> domain, so I decided to set up sendmail on my machine with my work email
> address so I can send messages from home. However, any self-respecting
> mail server bounces back my email because it says it is from
> localhost.localdomain which is a very good indication that I am sending
> spam.

So don't use localhost.localdomain.  I don't know sendmail config (except
that a friend's .sig used to say "there are valid technical reasons why
sendmail configuration requires sacrifice of a live chicken"), but I'm sure
like any smtp transport it allows you to specify the name of the server you
are using.  Since you don't, it's pulling the only thing it can find that
looks like a qualified domain out of /etc/hosts.  You might also just add
the domain name you want in /etc/hosts.

dpkg-reconfigure sendmail

will probably bring up a question to which it has prefilled
"localhost.localdomain".  Change that to something that works.  If it's not
that easy, get a better sendmail replacement.  Masqmail isn't fully
featured but will handle what you want, and is _really_ simple to set up.

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