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Re: New Sarge Net Installer and Grub

On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 10:12:40AM +0200, Steinar Bang wrote:
> >>>>> Micha Feigin <michf@post.tau.ac.il>:
> >> Also, why is the bootloader default changing from Lilo to Grub?
> > No idea. The developers liked it, its supposed to be the next thing
> > ... ;-) The only thing better I see about it is that you don't need
> > to reinstall it when you make changes to the entrees, other then
> > that it looks more complicated to me.
> Hopefully it's better at booting other OSes, such as XP.  I'm planning
> to try it out for that reason.

Didn't have trouble dual booting xp with lilo. Only reason I switched
was that I reinstalled the whole system and it is the default for the
new installer so I decided to try it out.

Took me some time to learn the new setup file syntax but I was used to
lilo, I guess complexity is about the same.

Advantages I can see:

Once properly set up installing new kernels is easier since the entrees
are added automatically and you can set default boot line.

Name of kernel can be longer then lilo.


Harder to install then lilo.

Editing the boot line can be somewhat cumbersome.

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