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Re: 3 creen when play movies

Yes thank you. I try it and is work now, but the fullscreen (option -fs f) steel need the xv driver
so I need upgrade my XFree to 4.2.
Here is my new problem I was add in my sources.list the next two lines:
>deb http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/debian woody/bunk-1 main contrib non-free
>deb-src http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/debian woody/bunk-1 main contrib non-free

This because this guy have there all correct dependences for XFree, but my apt-get didn't get
the update, and write the next  lines in loop:
>81% [Connecting to www.fs.tum.de (]
>Err http://www.fs.tum.de woody/bunk-1/main Packages
> Could not connect to www.fs.tum.de:80 (, connection timed out

for ever and ever and ever.

 Can you help me with this.

Pierre Lombard wrote:

* gustavo <gustavoh@techunix.technion.ac.il> [2003-04-27 21:41]:
I have Debian 3.0r1 on my ThinkPad-R30.
When I play: mpeg, avi, or any movie file I see the screen divided
to three, when the left side movie on the right side screeen, the right
side movie on the left side screen, the center on the center. And all
three with a litle interpolation beteween  theme in full screen mode.
I try all the players on debian packages and also the mplayer,
And always the same problem is hapend.
What can be the problem ???

Maybe your Xv driver is somewhat buggy.

You should give a try to using the x11 driver (non accelerated).

For mplayer it should be '-vo x11', I can't say for the other players
so you'd better check their docs to see how it should be done.

Hoping it helps,

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