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Re: startup program (browser)

This one time, at band camp, steve thompson said:

> Saving the currnet session doesn't solve the problem.  If I save the
> current session with Opera not open, it saves the ~/.gnome/session
> file without the four lines refering to Opera restart command, and
> indeed the next time I boot up Opera does not open.  But as soon as I
> open Opera, those lines are back in the session file, and it will
> start up automatically next time.
> This problem persists even if I delete (move temporarily) the entire
> ~/.opera directory.
> Steve

As a diagnostic note, does this only happen with Opera?  Try closing
your session with something else open, to see if it reappears when you
log back in.  My feeling is this has more to do with Session management,
either by gnome-session, or your window manager, than it has to do with
opera itself.  If other programs are persisting across logins, then I'm
probably right in my guess.  Then try this:

Try unchecking 'Automatically save changes to current session' under
Settings -> Control Center -> Session Properties.  Then close all the
programs you don't want, save your current session, and experiment.  Do
opened programs persist across logins?  If so, it may be a window
manager rather than a session manager thing, in which case we'll need to
know which window manager you use.  If you use sawfish or enlightenment,
I may be able to help, but if not, someone else probably can.

Good luck, 
Morton's Law:
	If rats are experimented upon, they will develop cancer.

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