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Re: ScanMail Message: To Recipient virus found and action taken.

System Attendant wrote (on 28 Jan 2002 at 9:14):

> ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has detected virus-infected
> attachment(s).

J... F... C..., this too?

But while we're on the OT subject, it reminds me of something I 
read on microsoft.com the other day. I clicked on a link marked 
"Security" for a laugh, then on a news item, "Information on the 
'.NET Virus'": 

"In other words, users who are taking standard security 
precautions (such as running the current operating system and 
*not running code they don't know about*) won't be infected."


[*emphasis* added]

How bout that? Microsoft says the answer to all these viruses is 
open source. Or what else could they mean by knowing about the 

-- Tony Crawford
-- tc@crawfords.de
-- +49-3341-30 99 99

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