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(forw) Status of Debian-specific programs translations for language fr

En gros, faudrait s'occuper de tout ce bazar..:-)

Bon, menu-l10n, je ne suis pas sûr (menu est à mon avis désormais
inutile!). Mais les autres, faudrait....histoire de faire 100% sur les
paquets natifs.

----- Forwarded message from Christian Perrier <bubulle@perrier.eu.org> -----

Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 04:50:54 +0200 (CEST)
From: Christian Perrier <bubulle@perrier.eu.org>
To: bubulle@kheops.perrier.eu.org
Subject: Status of Debian-specific programs translations for language fr
X-CRM114-Status: Good  ( pR: 55.2786 )

Read the database... done.
Status of the debian packages to do in fr

|adduser           |     |   0/10/97     |po(itt, 18 days)
|apt               |99%  |   565/2/0     |po(rfr, 1 days)
|debian-edu-config |97%  |    41/1/0     |
|debian-edu-doc    |41%  |1159/556/1063  |po(itt, 18 days)
|debian-history    |     |     ---       |
|debian-reference  |99%  |  7461/6/11    |po(rfr, 0 days)
|dpkg              |95%  |  1688/70/18   |
|emdebian-crush    |     |    0/0/30     |
|gdebi             |56%  |   67/20/31    |po(todo, 300 days)
|ikiwiki           |     |     ---       |
|installation-guid |     |   0/0/2415    |
|lintian           |     |    0/0/6      |
|maint-guide       |99%  |   781/4/1     |
|menu-l10n         |     |   0/0/3976    |
|multistrap        |55%  |   40/12/20    |
|pointerize        |     |     ---       |
|svn-buildpackage  |97%  |   162/3/1     |
|ttf-cjk-compact   |     |     ---       |
|unattended-upgrad |64%  |    20/2/9     |
|unp               |     |    0/0/14     |
|xfsdump           |     |   0/0/764     |po(todo, 1328 days)
|TOTAL (fr)        |62%  |15423/686/8456 | Assuming that all bugs reported were applied

When there is some ---, that means that the material exists, but is not 
translated to this language and that some issue (in pot file or DB) prevent to find the amount of string.

Significance of the 'details' columns:
   [# translated strings]/[# fuzzy translation]/[# untranslated strings]

----- End forwarded message -----


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