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Re: Bug#640536: texlive-base: [INTL:de] Initial German debconf translation

Quoting Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch):

> It is - it is simply the first line of the text, "TeX configuration
> cannot ...".  That is also what I expected, but I would have called the
> thing between '┤  ├' the (window) title, and I assumed that the package
> name would be there.  When Christian said the short description should
> appear in the title, I was "alarmed" because then the package name
> couldn't appear.  It seems that I have a different understanding of
> "title" than Christian.  But nevertheless the package name does _not_
> appear. 

This is not expected. There should be "<package> configuration" which
is the default window title (it can be modified with db_title and this
can be localised in the templates file).

Still, in my opinion, the synopsis is what you could call a title or a
"header". Which is my point for it not being a sentence, but your
mileage may vary.

Another point is that we ran the full translation update round and
that changing the wording now would require going through it again....

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