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Re: request for review: lbzip2

On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, Ben Finney wrote:

   lbzip2 is a multi-threaded implementation of bzip2, suited for
   synchronous and parallel processing. On a multi-core computer,
   lbzip2 is commonly the fastest bzip2 decompressor for most bz2 files
   found on the internet. (On dual-core computers, the 7za utility from
   the p7zip-full package may prove more efficient.)

Whoops, you are right, I meant ˙˙serial and parallel processing˙˙.

I updated the package.


Description: fast, multi-threaded bzip2 filter program
 lbzip2 is a multi-threaded implementation of bzip2, suited for serial and
 parallel processing. On a multi-core computer, lbzip2 is commonly the fastest
 bzip2 decompressor for most bz2 files found on the internet. (On dual-core
 computers, the 7za utility from the p7zip-full package may prove more
 lbzip2 integrates nicely with GNU tar. Even on single-core computers, lbzip2
 can speed up archiving in combination with tar, because lbzip2 allows
 compression to overlap with disk usage to a greater extent than bzip2 does.


 lbzip2 (0.15-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Change the package description according to suggestions by Ben Finney and
     Justin B Rye on the debian-l10n-english mailing list.


Thank you,

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