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Re: Knoppix "toram" option (Re: New Knoppix)

Hello Andrew,

On Thu, Feb 04, 2016 at 01:30:59PM -0500, Andrew wrote:
> Dear Klaus,
> I was using the 64 bit kernel with "toram".  It started up fine, but,
> suspiciously, the system believed it had the same amount of memory free
> with and without "toram":  The same memory-hungry operations would work
> fine w/o "toram", but with "toram" the system soon crashed.

For some reason, memory allocated for the tmpfs ramdisks is "low
priority block buffer" and does not substract from the "available" pool
since it can be freed on file removal. This is maybe a design flaw in
the ramdisk memory allocation scheme. If you have >= 8GB of phsical
RAM, "knoppix64 toram" should work fine even for the DVD. With only
4-6GB of physical RAM, toram will almost surely crash in spite of the
zram compression.

> This was
> probably 6.4.4 or 6.7.0, but I'm not sure.  In any case, unless you
> deliberately fixed this problem, it's probably still in there.

Memory management may have been improved in the 4.x kernel series, which
is used in Knoppix 7.6 and above.


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