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Re: Error Remastered Knoppix 4.0.1 DVD.

On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 05:00:42PM +0200, Victor Alonso wrote:
> I get an error on my remastered knoppix 4.01 DVD. It works fine, but when I 
> shut down knoppix I get a long list of error messages like this one:
> cp: cannot create symbolic link '/dev/xxxxx' to '/KNOPPIX/dev/xxxxxx' no space 
> left on device
> ....
> And at the end:
> syncking/Unmounting filesystems: tac: /tmp/tacRDSDAD: No space left on device 
> ....

I'm not sure, it looks like there are additional, large files in /etc or
/dev on your remaster.

Could it be that, at one point, you forgot to mount your mastering
partition with

-o suid, dev

and therefore accidentially replaced some devices in /dev by large
files? Or, /proc and /tmp were also remastered?

With kind regards
-Klaus Knopper

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