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Re: [debian-knoppix] Re: Analyzing Knoppix extra stuff (Was: knoppix/bootcd like software?)

On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 05:34:55PM +0100, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> > AFAIK the ash shell is needed because busybox can't be linked against
> > diet-libc. Further, sysvinit is patched to make it possible to eject
> > the CD when shutting down Knoppix.
> > Klaus surely can give more accurate comments on this.
> I would be interested why sysvinit needed to be hacked - I mean, if it's that 
> what counts -ejecting a CD - over the system's overall integrity then most 
> people are probably totally paranoid about their systems :-)
> Although I can understand that from Klaus' perspective it probably makes some 
> sense to eject the CD but I mean, the machine shuts off completely with an 
> open CD tray - this is one of the most notable misbehaviors that I personally 
> don't like to happen. I'd be much better off installing eject and call that 
> during a reboot, but certainly not on a complete shutdown :-)

sysvinit-knoppix unmounts the CD with autoeject and asks the user to
remove the CD and close the tray BEFORE powering off. It does NOT
"leave the CD tray open". You should try it.

Also, you can prevent ejection of the CD with the "noeject" boot option
if you are less likely to forget an inserted CD than me.

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