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Re: [debian-knoppix] Language selection

> I'm trying to customize, a bit, the KNOPPIX distrib. But is there a way 
> to change the default booting language, because I am french and I like 
> to avoid the boot argument
> ~                        "knoppix lang=fr"
> every time I am using the CD...    

This seems to be the easyest customisation possible.
You just have to build a new floppy.
Then recreate the bootable iso image using that floppy image.

The reason why it is easy is because the floppy can be loopmounted
and there is a boot config that can be adapted (actually that's the only
visible difference between EN and GE version).

I suggest that before you burn a new iso, you try booting with a floppy
(makefloppy.bat or rawrite.exe) and try edit the floppy.
Once you have a working french floppy, you can rebuild your CD.


PS: May I advocate for a lang=xx and keyb=yy (and/or xkeyb=zz).
Where xx would be the display language and yy and zz would be the
console and XFree keyboard.
Given the European diversity, you can find various keyboard and language.
Those are not always linked.

debian-knoppix mailing list

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