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Bug#550562: Blob firmware loader corrupts filesystem

>> firmware when it is separated from the kernel.  (Could it be that the
>> binary blob didn't get copied correctly when it was split?)

> I've compared them again - they're identical to the blobs previously
> embedded in the driver (except for byteswapping).

That makes some sense, since DRI actually works (OpenGL is
accelerated) whilst it is corrupting the file system.  Am I right in
guessing that the only other option is the way, or the timing, of when
the firmware is loaded?  Or was there some other change that happened
at the same time?

> When you say it 'only affect systems that use the radeon/R200_cp.bin
> firmware' do you mean that you tested systems with other Radeon GPU
> versions and they were not affected, or that this problem appeared after
> the firmware was separated out (Debian package version 2.6.29-1)?

My apologies for the poorly worded sentence.  While it happens to be
the case that all the reports of this corruption that I've seen on the
Net concern the R200 firmware, I have not tested other Radeon GPUs.


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