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Re: linux-headers-XXX-common package

On Wednesday 06 February 2008, dann frazier wrote:
> hey Ritesh,
>  This package is linux-2.6 specific, presumably to optimize for space
> by sharing files across multiple packages. You shouldn't need it when
> building custom kernels with make-kpkg.

I did and it failed.
make-kpkg tries to build the packages just like it did for earlier kernel 
versions. But 2.6.24 had many changes.

The x86 + x86_64 merger.
This leads to a broken asm symbolic link in the linux-headers package because 
include/i386 is no more present.

I also noticed that the Debian shipped 2..6.24 packages have a lot things 
A lot of include files have their names and locations changed, which make many 
of the add-on kernel module packages fail to build. nvidia, kqemu, luvc and 
But with the Debian shipped kernels, nvidia built without any problems.

BTW, how do the packagers build it ?
Don't they use kernel-package ?

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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