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Re: Schedule for linux-2.6 2.6.18-4

On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 04:29:21PM +0100, Frederik Schueler wrote:
> I personally have somewhat lost the overview on on open issues being 
> busy with RL work the past 2 weeks, so I would like everyone of you to
> compile a short list of things you have on your agenda for 2.6.18-4, 
> and generally before the release.

I have one important fix in the pipe (boot failure on SunBlade1000). A 
patch for it was posted recently, and I've just received a 
confirmation that it fixes the problem. I'll build a test kernel 
tonight and make sure that it boots fine on my boxes, after that it 
can go in. Please don't upload before I committed it.

Best regards,
Jurij Smakov                                           jurij@wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                      KeyID: C99E03CC

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