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Bug#322086: Aha!

subject 322086 ali5451 sound output only goes to the headphone jack

  The Good News:

  Well, after fiddling around with soundconf and various other things, I was 
finally able to get my laptop to produce sound from kernel 2.6.12.

  The Bad News:

  The only way I can get audible sound output is if I plug speakers or a 
headphone into the sound output jack.  I also noticed that if I unmute the 
"headphone jack sense", I don't even get that output; I don't know whether 
this is expected behavior or not, but maybe it's a clue as to what's going 


/------------ Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@alumni.brown.edu> -------------\
|            "We've got nothing to fear but the stuff that we're            |
|             afraid of!" -- Fluble                                         |
\---------------- The Turtle Moves! -- http://www.lspace.org ---------------/

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