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Re: draft of DebConf5 debian-kernel paper

On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 08:06:42AM -0600, dann frazier wrote:
>  I posted a draft of a paper for DebConf here:
>     http://people.debian.org/~dannf/debconf5/
>  If you have time in the next couple of days, please take a look and
>tell me where I went wrong :)  I tried to talk about both day-to-day
>type tasks, as well as some history and some notable stuff happening on
>the list lately (kernel freeze, ABI issues, unified source package,
>security support, firmware redistributability, etc).
>  I'm very open to changes - new topics included.  I think a number of
>people on this list will be there - if you'd like to co-present on one
>of these topics (or one I didn't mention), let me know.

I would like to see a section about joining the debian-kernel team
and how to help. Horms allowed me to see what he usually does as 
part of his debian-kernel work after his presentation during
linux.conf.au. It was very important to me, however, I'm still
learning how to help effectively. So far, I'm following the lkm and
the debian-kernel list. Maybe we could have a BOF/tutorial about all

>Horms: I listed you as an author in this draft because I stole some
>content directly from a couple of your .au slides; let me know if you'd
>prefer I didn't.

I think you should change the pronoum "I" to either your own name or
horms' name. It may not be a problem for people who already know
who is doing what. But, for some people at debconf it may be unclear.

>dann frazier <dannf@dannf.org>

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux
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