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Bug#304483: mkinitrd does not create "mdadm -A" record for /boot partition on raid1 when initrd.img is built

> Quick question: why not add an auto=md clause to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf?
> That way you have the option of *not* assembling some md drives if necessary.

I can't try this right now but I doubt this would help. The reason is that when
the system boots initrd would not know how to assemble /dev/md1 because
.../initrimg/script does not contain "mdadm -A" record for /dev/md1. This is
the root of the problem.

>From the original bug report:

When #mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img is run, it creates only records for /dev/md2
(/) and /dev/md3 (swap) but not for /dev/md1 (/boot) [ even though /boot is
mounted and fully functional when mkinitrd is run ].

# cat /mnt/initrimg/script
mdadm -A /devfs/md/3 -R -u 3232683c:698319a4:67aa8320:ae8fa7c7 /dev/sda3
/dev/sdb3 /dev/sdc3
mdadm -A /devfs/md/2 -R -u 2ed78bfb:aed805bf:7cc7e04b:e56f1342 /dev/sda2
/dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2


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