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Bug#299567: lots o space

dann frazier writes...

> fyi, I have a patch to the kernel-image build system that would spit out
> a separate package w/ a debug kernel image & module set under /usr/lib.
> I did this in the 2.4.25 timeframe, and I was getting ~204M debug
> packages per flavor.  I don't know how big it would be for just the
> image (no modules).

dannf, I assume "flavor" means each kernel-image source package and the 
various kernel-image packages it delivers?

That seems like quite a burden for the archive. I can think of a couple ways 
to handle this,

1) implement debug packages in the packaging, but don't build them as part of 
the default build target. Put instructions in the source on which rule to use 
to build your own. The oprofile package could refer users to these. This would 
mean each user who wanted them would need to build them which sucks, but this 
is easily implemented.

2) If there was some way to put these in a part of the archive that is 
optional for mirroring, then the packages could still be built only once and 
the people who needed them could get them from this other location. At first I 
was thinking experimental, but since they would build from the same source 
that needs to go in unstable, this wouldn't work with out special ftp-master 
tricks. So what about the idea of a new section of the archive that stores all 
the debuggable stuff, these kernels and -dbg packages etc.? Since most users 
don't need debuggable stuff this seems like a natural way to split the archive 
for mirroring and cdimage purposes. This would be a nice solution to the 
problem but obviously would take more to implement. Just a crazy idea...

Matt Taggart

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