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Bug#281878: installation-reports: Several failures with RC1 on Oldworld Powermac

On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 09:40:43PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:

> Could you please provide this information ? a full lspci and lspci -n output
> would be very welcome.

I'll see what I can do (probably won't have time to experiment more
until early next week).  Do the d-i images have lspci included or will
I have to find a more cunning way of getting this information?

> > The 2.6 boot floppies (boot.img and ofonlyboot.img) didn't work at
> > all.  I got a penguin with mac on the screen, it read in the floppy
> > for a while, and then hung.
> With a strange color penguin and a black background ? 

From memory, the colours stayed normal and the background was the grey
and black one that you get when the machine boots normally with the
"happy mac" icon.

> > The 2.4 ofonlyboot.img failed in much the same way, but ejected the
> > floppy from the drive first.  There was no output on the screen or the
> > serial console.
> What happens when you introduce the root floppy after that and press
> enter ? 

Not sure, I'll try that in a few days' time.


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