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Re: Screen locker not disabled by VLC

So this is slightly off topic, but I don't think I've run into a single
person who's been happy with the new system locker. I'm now using
xscreensvaer for all my screen saving and screen locking needs. The
steps I took to get this working....

* Install xscreensaver and all the bells and whistles that come with it
* chmod 000 /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kscreenlocker_greet
* Go into the KDE screen saver settings and uncheck "start automatically"
* Add /usr/bin/xscreensaver -nosplash to start up with your user session
however you want that to happen
* run xscreensaver-demo (it'll complain about the daemon not running,
start it) and setup your options
* echo this script into /etc/pm/sleep.d/xscreensaver.hook
http://paste.debian.net/16904/ (remember to throw in your own user or
write up some logic to deal with detecting which user is currently
logged in and running xscreensaver).
* Delete/remove whatever shortcut keys you've got setup to "lock the
screen" and create a new one to simply run xscreensaver-commend -lock

There's another way to do this out there on the internet I've found to
be pretty failtastic, which is replace
/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kscreenlocker_greet with a script that runs
xscreensaver-command -lock. The problem with this methoid is that it's
really good about not not wanting to lock the screen on suspsend till
after your computer has woken up, or worse yet, just not allowing the
machine to suspend.

I haven't had any issues with the screensaver starting up during a full
screen play with VLC, but I don't know if I have any other trickery
going on with making that happen.


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