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Re: booting Wheezy from lilo.

On 2013-02-14, john Culleton <John@wexfordpress.com> wrote:
> As recommended I replaced my Knoppix install with Wheezy. Now I need to
> add this partition to my lilo.conf file in my main partition (grub is
> not an option here.) Here is the lilo code that booted Knoppix OK.
> Unfortunately it doesn't boot Wheezy. I linked the vmlinux(etc) file to
> vmlinux in the boot partition. That didn't help.

last century called. they want their bootloader back :)

> What should I put in my lilo.conf? Here is a fragment from what I
> have now: 
> # Linux bootable partition config begins
> image = /sda2/boot/vmlinuz
>   root = /dev/sda2
>   label = wheezy
>   read-only  
> # Partitions should be mounted read-only for checking
> # Linux bootable partition config ends

>From my long and forgotten lilo.conf file:


I guess the difference from what you are doing is that you miss a initrd
image if you use a distribution kernel...


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