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KDE SC 4.9.5 on wheezy howto?

Hello Debian KDE list, 

I am in the process of leaving openSUSE, having decided Debian (or a close 
derivative) might suit my needs better, currently on wheezy via LMDE, but 
not committed to LMDE if straight Debian is a better solution. (Still in 
pre-transition / testing mode)

Was reading Jakub's email
("KDE SC 4.9.5: can't install on Wheezy (libsolid4 requires libhupnp1...")
And thought I might find an answer to a noobish question.

Jakub and others have updated Wheezy to KDE sc 4.9.x, so apparently this can 
be done w/out building from scratch. I was wondering if there is a (somewhat 
current) howto somewhere. I have been searching for 2 weeks for such 
information with no real luck (Debian qt/kde site etc)

I appreciate any pointers you might have

Thank you for your help

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