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Re: What needs to improve in KDE 4?


I think you may have already responded to these in another thread but
after upgrading to 4.4 a few days ago and with a "clean" slate (by
moving .kde and some other 'dot' directories out of the way) I'm down to
one daily annoyance as you've already addressed in the BTS--Konsole

The other involves the very clumsy way by which separate wall paper may
be placed on each desktop which currently involves activating "Separate 
Desktop activities", then zooming out via the cashew, selecting the wall
paper for each desktop, and then zooming back in which is a craps shoot
as to which desktop will be where.  There was a reply to that message
about an intent to redo that particular functionality for perhaps 4.6 or
so.  It's not a show stopper but it's far from intuitive.  On the flip
side, I do like each desktop having its own activity as I can have
different folder views or other widgets on a given desktop based on how
I use it.

for *my use* I have found KDE 4.4 quite pleasant over the past few days,
perhaps aided by moving the old config directories out of the way.
Device Notifier is now useful for me due to the tip provided by another
list member in that thread.


- Nate >>


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