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Re: hitting top/bottom window with mouse => changes desktop[partially solved]

Op Tuesday 29 January 2008, schreef henk:
> After playing around with compiz, I got stuck with this behavior.
> Where to configure this ?
> Anyone?

So no one?

To get rid of this annoying behavior just run compiz --replace, change the 
flip on border, run kwin --replace and your 're allright.
The 'physical' file to edit i haven't found jet.


> --
> The conservation movement is a breeding ground of Communists and other
> subversives.  We intend to clean them out, even if it means rounding up
> every bird watcher in the country.
> 		-- John Mitchell, Atty. General 1969-1972

Once upon a time there was a boy, who tried very, very hard to be a Good
Little Boy.  He grew up to try to be a Good Man.
	But he never understood how he could be either.
	Finally, one day, after years of chronic worry and months of
outright crisis, he admitted that he couldn't do either, because at some
level, he wasn't even male.
	So she tried to be a Good Little Girl, and soon after, tried to
learn to be a Good Woman.
	Unfortunately, she didn't look much like Barbie.  More like Ken,
I suppose.
	So, she lost some friends.  But she loved herself, and that was
more important.  Then she lost her career, but that wasn't so important,
because it was *his* career she lost.  Her family tried to accept; all of
them stopped using the old name.  One of them even tried the new one, a
few times.  She couldn't get a job--"That's no woman!" seemed to bar her
even from jobs that didn't require interior plumbing.  But it was all
right, because she had learned to stop trying to be a Good Anything At
All, and loving herself, *was* herself.
	Then the heat went off, and the food ran out, the eviction notice
came and there wasn't anywhere left to borrow money from.  So she filled
the tub, heating water in a kettle on the stove, and gently, lovingly,
cut her wrists.

The moral of the story: The ugly duckling makes a dandy meal.  Dig in.

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