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Re: KDE froze 1/2 way through startup after upgrade

Hello Ross,

Ross Boylan wrote:
I just upgraded from KDE 3.3 -> 3.4 in testing.  Before the upgrade I
did /etc/init.d/kdm stop, and after /etc/init.d/kdm start.
Things looked OK, and I logged in.  The window that shows progress in
starting up the session showed up, and reached 50%.  Then it just sat

Did you upgrade /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc to the package maintainer's new
version? There were substantial changes going from 3.3 to 3.4, and
certain commands in a user's .bash_profile can now hang KDE during
startup. See /usr/share/doc/kdm/NEWS.Debian.gz for more info.

As a first step to narrow down our search I would suggest that you
create a new "clean" user and see if you can start KDE when you log in
as that user. Then we know immediately if the problem is something in
your regular user's $HOME or if we have to look elsewhere.

It doesn't seem to be using any CPU.  I did not hear any sound, and
I'm not sure the sound was working even before the upgrade.  I have a
2.4 kernel with alsa, both custom built.

There are a number of command-line tools for alsa, e.g. alsamixer,
alsaconf, alsactl, speaker-test. These might be helpful to see if there
is anything wrong with your sound system. You can also check if you get
any error messages when you restart alsa-utils. ("invoke-rc.d alsa-utils
restart" as root)

.xsession-errors on the account I logged into ends with

kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/mplayer.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'video/x-ms-wmx'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/mplayer.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'video/x-ms-wvx'
DCOP Cleaning up dead connections.

These should all be harmless.

libhal.c 767 : org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceDoesNotExist raised
"Service "org.freedesktop.Hal" does not exist"

That seems to indicate that you do not have the package "hal" installed,
or that the hal-daemon is not running. As far as I know KDE works fine
without this Hardware Abstraction Layer, it is just a "nicer" way to
keep track of and interact with the various hardware components of your

konsole: WARNING: Unable to use /usr/share/apps/konsole/mc.desktop
konsole: WARNING: Unable to use /usr/share/apps/konsole/mc.desktop
konsole: WARNING: Unable to use /usr/share/apps/konsole/sumc.desktop
konsole: WARNING: Unable to use /usr/share/apps/konsole/sumc.desktop

Again I think these warnings have nothing to do with your problem.
Reinstalling the package "konsole" might fix whatever is wrong with
these two files.

kmix: ERROR: Mixer_ALSA::setEnumIdHW(25), errno=-22

That looks like kmix (KDE audio mini-mixer) is doing something wrong
with alsa. You can try to (re)move the kmix configuration files in
~/.kde/share/config/ (everything that starts with "kmix" and ends with
"rc") and see if the problem goes away. A somewhat harsher approach
would be to temporarily rename /usr/bin/kmix and replace it with a
symlink to /bin/true ("do nothing, successfully"). This is a rather
nasty hack and no permanent solution, but it could prove that kmix is
indeed the reason for your problem. (However, this might fail if the KDE
startup procedure expects that kmix returns more parameters than just

I hope this helps.


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