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Re: polish characters

On Thursday 11 August 2005 10:29 am, Sebastian Luque wrote:

> option of the Xkb tab, but never had any problems using other layouts
> with accented characters. e.g. I often use the spanish and french

Playing now in Polish mode...


Are these Polish characters?  It seems the way to get them is to use the 
"Alt-Gr" key.  I think out of the box it is supposed to be right Alt, but 
that has never worked here for some reason.  I redefined it in the KDE 
keyboard setup thingie (on the Xkb Options tab) as Right Alt + Right Ctrl, 
so, to get ł I type Right Alt+Right Ctrl+w, or for capital, add a shift Ł

Tedious.  I try to avoid the Alt-Gr thing.  If you're forced to use it more 
often, perhaps you can assign it to caps lock or something less involved.

As a silly aside (and feel free to respond privately, if you prefer), can I 
ask why you use the French layout at all?  I use the Spanish layout for both 
Spanish and French.  Spanish has all the right bits for both languages (ç ê 
etc.), but French doesn't have ñ or ¡ and whatnot, so the Spanish layout 
seems to be the best bang for the buck.

Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan <dmmcintyr@users.sourceforge.net>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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