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Re: konqueror with gecko


According to an old summerian prophecy, 
hacker, Lord of hell-knows-what 
 on Friday 24 June 2005 09:16 pm would say this about 
konqueror with gecko :
ha> I know I'm not alone when it comes to being disappointed with
ha> konqueror's inability to render most web pages completely .. the
ha> current frustration is gmail, where it's not fully supported.  Yes, I
ha> can use firefox, but why?

Don't agree with you.
Konqueror as web browser is much better than Firefox.
It handles pop-ups much better than FF,
it captures "target=blank" links and puts it as new tabs
(something that FF doesn't do), it works with ACID2 css stuff,
It's much more compliant to the W3C standards than FF
(that's why some pages doesn't render well with Konqueror,
and it even warns when there are bugs with the page's HTML!!) 

Only in very, very, rare cases (such as gmail) i use FF for browsing.


ha> Anyway, I notice some threads from last fall (i.e.
ha> http://dot.kde.org/1097096753/1097132975/ ) when kde hackers had a tie
ha> in to gecko working at some level.  One comment of interest at that
ha> thread's last post:
ha> "Not many people use the gecko engine in Konqueror which is simply a
ha> menu click away as long as the gecko bindings were installed and there
ha> is a gecko based browser installed."
ha> I've been trying to figure out if Debian includes the "gecko bindings"
ha> referred to and whether it's possible to get a gecko like konqueror
ha> working.  I'm using sarge (kde 3.3.2) but could upgrade if needed?
ha> Anyone know?
ha> hacker

KDE: 'Cause there's no 'G' in DEsKtop.
KDE: Porque nao tem 'G' em DEsKtop.
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