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Re: "Run Command..." dialog doesn't appear

>>>>> Matías Costa <mcc3@alu.um.es>:

> Run command dialog has nothing with kicker. It's a kdesktop feature.

Oh-kay... there is no kdesktop running on my problem machine.  There
is one running on the working machine.  Is that the root of my

$ kdesktop
kdesktop: error while loading shared libraries: libkdeinit_kdesktop.so: cannot open shared object file: No such fileor directory

Looks like I'm missing something...?

The only problem here is that the shared lib libkdeinit_kdesktop.so is
missing on the OK machine as well, even though ldd on kdesktop says it
need it.

So why does it start there, and not on the problem machine?

> Try with a new user, and tell what happens.

Probably not relevant any longer, but I already had, and the behaviour
was the identical.

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