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kdeinit: Fatal IO error


the user login via kdm does not work on my box (debian 3.0r2, KDE 2.2).
After entering username/passwd the system returns to the login window, 
when the icon 'Initialing periphals'  is active. This is indepent from 
the user (root, normal users, etc.), who want to login.

The file $HOME/.xsession-errors contains the following lines:

DCOPServer up and running.
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
KLauncher: Exiting on signal 1
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.

The loopback interface will work, the ping returns the correct data.
I couldn't found any core files on the system. 
The system works the last months without problems. I didn't found any files
in /etc, which was changed before. The last action i take was starting the
'KDE controll center', for looking the information. I am sure, that i never
had made same changes, which will be safed. 

My questions are:

What's going wrong? What is the reason for these behaviour?

How can I repair it? Which files from the backup should i reinstall? 
Removing the $HOME/.kde directory doesn't help.

Where can i found the possible changes  from the 'KDE controll center'?
Many thanks,


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