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kde: problems with dcop and kded

hi folks!

i've got two independent problems with kde-installations on different
boxes here.

problem 1:
one the first box, running testing, i've got a strange error-message
upon starting konqueror:

"There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE.
The message returned by the system was:
Could not read network connection 
list /path/to/home/dirs/gurke/DCOPserver_hostname_localhost_11
please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!"

then, a second error-msg pops up: "Protocol not supported: file"
kde then pops up - but (as expected) nothing works. opening 
a http-url for instance returns also protocol not supported.

a "ps -ef | grep dcop" returns:
gurke     1080     1  0 Apr21 ?        00:00:00 kdeinit: dcopserver --nosid

after playing around a bit, i've found out that the permissions of
the kde-dirs in /tmp aren't set correctly:

drw-------    2 gurke    gurke        4096 Apr 25 13:28 kde-gurke
drw-------    2 gurke    gurke        4096 Apr 26 00:09 ksocket-gurke

readjusting the permissions to 700 for both dirs fixes the problem for a

this error occurs on a box which is long time up and running (40+ days).
after resetting the permission it takes 1-2 weeks until the problem 
happens again.

problem 2:

this problem occurs on by unstable machine after each boot since the
upgrade to kde 3.2. i noticed a problem in konqueror when accessing
https-sites with certificates not signed by a known authority.
konqueror warns that the certificate is not fully trusted and asks
if it should be accepted for the current session or forever. i 
click on forever but get instantly asked again. i think i get asked
for each ressource of the page loaded. 
another time, i wanted to tweak some of the kde-services in the
kde-control-panel and i got the error-message that kded is not running.
i started kded by hand and then noticed that now, also konqueror
behaves correctly again concerning the https-issue.

so - no problem at all if kded runs. my question now is:
why doesn't it get started automatically? is kded a new daemon introduced
with kde3.2? or is it a problem of my setup?

thanks a lot for any hints about those problems - if somebody needs
more detailled info - just send me a message...

kind regards,


Pascal Mainini             -------  open-minded computer artist
encrypted mail preferred    -----   http://www.impressionet.ch/crypto/
more? -> www.impressionet.ch ---    artist? -> www.guerk.li
jabber?                       -     gurke@swissjabber.ch

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