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Re: k3b cdrecord

On Saturday 10 January 2004 18:41, Markus Henrich wrote:

> I'm using woody and k3b 0.10.3. Everything in k3b is configured with
> the setup-tool. I give rights for cdrecord, usw. to a group wich I
> belong to. But when I start k3b now as a user, the error message
> "couldn't find cdrecord" appeared. Changing the rights of cdrecord to
> be executed by a user, k3b gives the message, that cdrecord only can
> be used with root.
> So how could I solve this problem. Any ideas?

*Don't* use k3bsetup to change any system wide information! It's (well, 
last time I checked) not integrated with debian configuration mgmt. As 
a result, you can change owners, groups and permissions on files all 
you want, but the next time you update any of the relevant packages 
they install new files with the original permissions etc.

The debianly correct way is to use dpkg-statoverride --add/--update to 
change user, group and permission information for packaged files. The 
relevant output from 

dpkg-statoverride --list

on my system is

root cdrom 4750 /usr/bin/cdrecord
root cdrom 4750 /usr/bin/cdrecord.shm
root cdrom 4750 /usr/bin/cdrecord.mmap
root cdrom 4750 /usr/bin/readcd
root cdrom 4710 /usr/bin/mkisofs
root cdrom 4710 /usr/bin/cdrdao

I can't say offhand, why some of the files have to be group readable. I 
did this several months ago and found that k3b would complain 

Also, cdrom, not root, is IMHO the correct group to access a CD writer 
on debian. Meaning among other things, that the *real* device used has 
to belong to group cdrom. In my case, this is /dev/hdc for an IDE CD 
writer (doesn't work with cdrdao yet!); if you're using IDE-SCSI 
emulation, it's probably /dev/scd0 or a higher number.

Of course, all users who are allowed to access the CD (reading & 
writing) need to be added to group cdrom:

adduser myself cdrom

I think most of what I've written could be done automatically by the k3b 
package on installation. It would require a better knowledge of the 
debconf system, though, than what I currently have.


Michael Schuerig                  I am the sum total of the parts
mailto:michael@schuerig.de        I control directly.
http://www.schuerig.de/michael/   --Daniel C. Dennett, Elbow Room

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