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Re: Packagers: What should we recommend about KDE 2 -> 3 upgrades?

Am Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2004 01:35 schrieb Ross Boylan:
> My guess is the safest route would be to compile KDE 3 to use a
> different directory, such as ~/.kde3.  Possibly there could be some
> conversion scripts available.  Certainly there will then be "I lost my
> settings" complaints otherwise (but see below: KDE may already do the
> conversion).

That makes a dead hidden directory in user's home and needs completely new 
settings. Very bad e.g. for KMail.

> Alternately, it might be possible to deal with this entirely at
> install time, or via some script magic that affects each user on their
> first start of the new package (again, maybe KDE does this already).

Package installation is not allowed to change anything in the user's home.
If KDE's apps cannot handle it why being thinking about a monster script?

> The least attractive alternative, still better than nothing, is a
> warning in the appropriate packages, during installs, and somewhere in

That's what READE.Debian is for (Debconf should not be used for that).


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