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Re: KDE 3.1.3 Status -VS- kde.org's 3.1.2 debs?

>> While you were gone, there was a comment that sid is currently
>> incompatible with the woody .deb's being offered at kde.org
>The imcompatability of which you speak is, I presume, related to kde.org
>offering Qt3 with a greater version than that in sid?
That would be the one.

>If so, this is nothing to do with Chris or the official KDE packages. We
>still do not have Qt 3.1.2 in sid.
Ah! I still get the qt and kde libs mixed up.

>A work-around for people upgrading from Woody to testing/unstable has
>been documented on the FAQ at http://wiki.debian.net/DebianKDE for a
Yes, I read this from the last posting. But I was hoping for a cleaner
solution for the future release.

>If this is not the problem you are thinking of, please post more
>> Can you do something to ensure a more orderly upgrade?
>I guess we need Martin Loschwitz <madkiss@debian.org> to upload a newer
>Qt, or kde.org to use an older one.
I am guessing that Martin follows this list and knows of this issue, then?

>I am sure that this will be fixed before Sarge is released.
I was hoping so, but there have been problems before with different
versions. I just wanted to be sure that the relevant people were keeping an
eye on it this time. Karoline's deb's come to mind here. This is why I
usually stick with the Debian archives, but I really wanted KDE-3.1 and am
not willing to play around with testing again since the png fiasco a while

As long as the people who know are aware of the issues I'm sure they can
organise a clean upgrade.

Thanks for the clarification and the info.


      John Gay

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