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Re: Default setting of KDEDIRS on Debian

On Wednesday 30 October 2002 02:38, Nathaniel W. Turner wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I have been thinking, and I think it would be cool if the esteemed Debian KDE 
> packagers would consider the attached patch for startkde (which gets 
> installed as /usr/bin/kde3).  :-)
> The basic gist of it is that third-party apps installed from tarballs would 
> work properly out-of-the-box on a standard Debian KDE installation.  But read 
> the patch.  It's small.

This will slow down all KDE applications because KDE has to search much more
dirs to find application resources (especially in case /usr/local is NFS mounted)

Alternativ: Now that the /usr/share/config/ points to /etc/kde3/  the config file
/etc/kderc is not necessary at all anymore.  dpkg-divert it until /etc/kderc is
removed in postinst script.  Now define in /etc/kderc an additional KDE
hierarchy e.g. in /usr/local if it's necessary. (Maybe the kde pkgs can
provide a example /etc/kderc with commented out /usr/local settings).

> - -- 
> Nathaniel W. Turner
> http://www.houseofnate.net/
> Tel: +1 508 579 1948 (mobile)
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
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> =3m4o

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