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Help with KDE3 Please

Hi All, 

My goal is to contribute toward Linux, and it looks to me like 
Debian is my best avenue to do so.  I think of it as giving back 
to all of you who have already given to me. 

Primarily from reading the excellent "mypage.bluewin.ch/kde3-debian" 
and "davidpashley.com/debian-kde/faq.html" I've been trying to install 
the 3.1Beta, but it looks like I've done something wrong.  

(Note: To learn Debian, I originally installed 'stable' 3.0 (woody),
then recently upgraded to 'unstable'.) 

To save time/bandwidth, I'm stacking all my questions here, in order 
of priority. 


>From http://mypage.bluewin.ch/kde3-debian, the "How to Install 
KDE3 on Debian 3.x.y/Sarge (testing/unstable)" section appears to 
have an obvious typo.  Shouldn't the first line be "up-to-date Sarge 
system" instead of "up-to-date Woody system"? 

>From the same web page and section, after my installation I could 
not log in to KDE because I didn't have the 'kdelibs4-bin' package 
installed.  Should this section explicitly mention 'kdelibs4-bin' too? 


(Reading the above docs, most of my uncertainty involved the correct 
way to remove KDE2, and I *suspect* my current problems may be related 
more to improper removal of KDE2 than improper installation of KDE3.) 

I can login in to KDE3 and run, but I don't get the menubar across 
the bottom of the screen, so when I minimize a window, I don't know 
how to get it back!  I'd thought 'kicker' was what I needed, but that 
is installed fine. 

How do I fix this?  (Related question: where are the debugging/logging 
files for KDE3?) 


Upon bootup, when KDM presents the login screen it places the name 
of a nonexistent user ('pgd' or something) into the 'login' box. 

Also, the title is German, "Valkommem till Linux pa sandra".
(Hmmm, the packager/compiler had a German locale, and I am missing
having an English locale?) 


sandra:~# dpkg --get-selections "*kde*" 
kde                             purge 
kdebase                         install 
kdebase-audiolibs                       purge 
kdebase-bin                     install 
kdebase-data                            install 
kdebase-dev                     install 
kdebase-doc                     purge 
kdebase-libs                            purge 
kdebugdialog                            install 
kdelibs3                        purge 
kdelibs3-bin                            purge 
kdelibs3-doc                            purge 
kdelibs4                        install 
kdelibs4-bin                            install 
kdelibs4-data                           install 
kdepasswd                       purge 
kdepim-libs                     install 
kdeprint                        install 
kdesktop                        install 
kdewallpapers                           purge 
libkdenetwork1                          purge 

Is there a way to get 'dpkg' to forget that (for example) kdelibs3 
was ever installed?  I can be mistake prone, so anything I can do to 
'cleanup' is extremely helpful. (i.e. I don't want the 'kdelibs3'
line to appear in the output.)

Side question:  KDE3 doesn't have a 'kde3' or 'kde' package?  (I 
tried to find/install, but no go.)  

Sneaky question: Does this 'dpkg' output show that my prior problems
might be due to a missing package(s)?



Any pointers to further FAQs, manuals, or web sites which would have
helped me answer these questions myself?


Thank you all very much for any help.


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