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Re: html documentation for kde

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grace and peace to you.

thank everyone (who's typed on this topic) for your help.

i set up a server for my local network with the linux documentation html 
package.  i thought, while i was at it, that i'd install any other 
documentation on the web server that i thought i might need just for 
conveniance and to save bandwidth.

the kde documentation looked like i'd read it if i made it available, so i 
installed it and set it up with apache.  the system that it's installed on 
doesn't have kde or even X.  it's strictly a server (and as a firewall, i 
didn't want to install X, that'd be to much work for *me* to lock down).

so this is the scenario i wanted to use the documentation in.

so regarding the suggestions:

> ====[ On Friday 27 September 2002 10:50 am, Karolina Lindqvist wrote: ]====

> The problem is that if you pack the images with the html pages, you won't
> have the images in the normal kde documentation (right?).
> Some solutions to this would be to
> 1) to require installation of the html documentation
> 2) to have an either- or situation, either docbook or html documentation
> 3) to have a separate package for the images.

> Maybe another solution would be to simply, somehow, generate the required
> html documentation during package installation if required. Maybe not with
> one of those bluescreen questions, but with a comment "if you want the html
> documentation, run the script generatehtmldocumentation" or something like
> that. No extra package, no extra space, but you can still get the docs if
> you want to.  As an alternative, there could be a kind of global switch to
> set if html documentation is wanted, or a special package "kdehtmldocs"
> that if present will generate the documentation during installation. That
> could then also take care of generating non-english language documentation
> in html.

in my scenario, neither 1 nor 4 would be ideal.  i don't necessarily want the 
extra docs on my work machine or the actual programs on the server.  i like 3 
best.  then both the program and the docs could just link to the images.



- -- 
Tim Wheeler <tim@greengibberish.com>
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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