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Re: Problems with kdm, and building kdebase from KDE_3_0_BRANCH

David Stanaway wrote:

Hi there,
I am not on this list, so can you please CC me in any replies.

I am having problems with the kdm init script in KDE_3_0_BRANCH

1) kdm starts, and I get the login screen, but no matter what session
	I try and start, the X server dies, and kdm respawns when I try to
	log in.
	(I can use startx to get into a kde3 session)

2) /var/run/kdm.pid is not written , so I cannot stop kdm with
	/etc/init.d/kdm stop
	I looked at the init script and it looks fine, this gets executed:
	 start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/kdm.pid \
	 --exec /usr/bin/kdm --
I had these problems and solved it by changing the following three entries in the kdmrc file ( Mine is located in /etc/kde3/kdm/ ).


Hope it helps

3) The debian directories in cvs only reflect the 3.0.2 release, if
  that causes any problems (Were there any big changes between 3.0.2
  and 3.0.3 interface wise (EG: required options/configs for kdm)?

	All I did to fix this was add an entry to debian/changelog raising the verson
	to 3.0.3+cvs-1.

I am also having problems building kdebase on powerpc and I had to
hack out all references to nsplugins as this does not get built.
(I removed the konqueror-nsplugins entry from debian/control and all
dependencies on it, and I also removed the kdebase-dev.install entry
for libnsplugin.so)
Some info about my system:

$ g++ --version
$ uname -a
Linux ciderbox 2.4.19-ben0-xfs #1 Thu Aug 15 22:05:35 CDT 2002 ppc
unknown unknown GNU/Linux

I am running a semi uptodate sid system on powerpc architecture.

If you need current versions of any other software, please let me know.

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