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(KDE ?) Memory leak

Hello everybody

I am using Debian GNU/Linux with KDE 2.2.2 and XFree 4.1, and I
experience what could be call a memory leak. Here is an extract of the
top command after running my computer under X one day.

 1141 root       5 -10  425M 169M  3996 S <   0.0 33.5   2:56 XFree86

On startup, the size of XFree86 is 278Mb, and it grows up to 2 Gb (in 
about 3 days), and then crashes.

I am using an NVidia card, so I have first think of a problem with 
closed-source drivers, but there is the same problem with the 
opensource 2D driver included in XFree.

So I have done a "ps xa", and each day running my computer without one
of the listed program. No it remains the following programs in the list , 
which are all KDE related (that's why I am posting to this list):

 1106 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/kdm
 1118 ?        S<     8:56 /usr/X11R6/bin/X -dpi 75 -nolisten tcp vt7 -auth /var/lib/kdm/authfiles/A:0-GEzLAP
 1659 ?        S      0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/x-session-manager
 1693 ?        S      0:00 kdeinit: Running...
 1696 ?        S      0:02 kdeinit: dcopserver --nosid
 1699 ?        S      0:00 kdeinit: klauncher
 1702 ?        S      0:02 kdeinit: kded
 1723 ?        S     13:44 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -s 60 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f
 1728 ?        S      0:02 kdeinit: knotify
 1729 ?        S      0:02 ksmserver --restore
 1744 ?        S      0:32 kdeinit: kwin -session 117f000001000102159095700000019340046
 1748 ?        S      0:00 kdeinit: kwrited
 1751 ?        S      0:29 kdeinit: kdesktop
 1765 ?        S      0:47 kdeinit: kicker
 1770 ?        S      0:02 kdeinit: klipper -icon klipper -miniicon klipper
 1774 ?        S      0:01 knetload -session 117f000001000101880685400000015790075
 1783 ?        S      0:02 kmix -session 117f000001000102003170500000252290039
 1786 ?        S      0:02 knotes -session 117f000001000102182030600000017790034
 1787 ?        S      0:01 korn -session 117f000001000101880684100000015790073
 2265 ?        S      0:01 kdeinit: kio_uiserver
 2272 ?        S      0:01 kdeinit: kcookiejar
 2274 ?        S      0:00 kdesud
 7352 ?        S      0:00 kdeinit: konsole -icon konsole -miniicon konsole

Note I am running with Debian Woody, using a 2.4.18 kernel. My chipset is 
a KT266A chipset, I am using the kernel agpart module, and my video card 
is a GeForce 256.

Is anybody experienced the same problem, or anybody have a solution ?


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